Enfield Croquet Club
Enfield Croquet Club

The Committee


Chair - Frank Palmer



Secretary - Gillian Porter also Social Secretary



Treasurer - Jean Dawes




Minutes Secretary - Frances Broadway



Internal and External Competition Organiser - Thomas Halliday



Safeguarding Officer - Jane French



 Trustee Ian Moore



Trustee Kim Taylor

Other Responsibilities:



Club Captain -  David Frost  also Club Handicapper

Lawns Manager - Colin Carver

Keys - Brian Dawes

November 2023-24

Chair - Nicola Hyde

Secretary - Marian Cuckson

Treasurer - Jean Dawes

Minutes Secretary - Frances Broadway

Safeguarding Officer - Jane French

Other Trustees - Frank Palmer, Thomas Halliday, Ian Moore, Gillian Porter


November 2022-23

Chair - Nicola Hyde

Secretary - Marian Cuckson

Treasurer - Jean Dawes

Minutes Secretary - Frances Broadway

Other Trustees - Frank Palmer, Thomas Halliday and Valerie Stanley


November 2021-22

Chair - Nicola Hyde 

Secretary - Marian Cuckson

Treasurer - Valerie Zaater

Minutes Secretary - Frances Broadway

Club Captain - David Frost

Other Trustees - Frank Palmer and Valerie Stanley


November 2020-21

Co-Chairs - Nicola Hyde and Brian Dawes

Secretary - Marian Cuckson

Treasurer - Valerie Zaater

Minutes Secretary - Frances Broadway

Club Captain - David Frost

Other Trustees - Frank Palmer and Valerie Stanley


November 2018-2019

Chairman - Andrew Fall also Lawns, Publicity Officer, Parks Liaison and Grants Applications

Secretary - Marian Cuckson also Social Secretary

Treasurer - Valerie Zaater

GC Club Captain - David Frost also Internal Competition Organiser, Club Handicapper, Fixtures Secretary and Purchasing Officer -

GC Fixtures Secretary - Brian Dawes  also Hut

Minutes Secretary - Fiona Fall also Gardening 

Other Club Responsibilities 

Website - Thomas Halliday

Life President - Sheila Rudling attends meetings but is not a member of the Committee.


November 2017 - 2018

Chairman - Andrew Fall also Parks Liaison, Publicity Officer and Grants Applications

Secretary - Marian Cuckson also Social Secretary

Treasurer - Valerie Zaater

GC Club Captain – David Frost also Internal Competition Organiser, Club Handicapper, Fixtures Secretary and Purchasing Officer 

GC Fixtures Secretary - Brian Dawes also Hut

Minutes Secretary - Marian Hardy also Gardening and Parks Liaison

Website - Des Taylor

Hut - Brian Dawes

Life President - Sheila Rudling attends meetings but is not a member of the Committee.


November 2016 - 2017

Chairman - Brian Dawes

Secretary and Social Secretary - Marian Cuckson

Treasurer and Minutes Secretary - Valerie Zaater

GC Club Captain, Internal Competition Organiser, Handicapper, Fixtures Secretary and Purchasing Officer - David Frost

Lawns Officer and Parks Liaison Officer - Andrew Fall and Des Taylor

Publicity Officer.  Grants Applications (once lease is in place) - Andrew Fall

Website and Hut maintenance - Des Taylor


November 2015 - 2016

Brian Dawes - Sheila Rudling - David Frost - David Fenner

Enfield Croquet Club

Bush Hill Park Recreation Ground

Cecil Avenue

Enfield EN1 1PS


3-word location

Puzzle - Rats - Rested