Calendar 2024
Recurring Dates - as of 01/04/2024
Rollup Sessions - Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
+ Thursday from 10.00 am (one lawn reserved for AC)
Mowing and Gardening - Wednesday and Sunday mornings - please note volunteers always wanted!
Monthly Internal Club Competition - 1st Thursday of each month - full day
Club Coaching Sessions - Last Tuesday morning in the month - starting May
Thursday 4th - Season Opening 10:10
Thursday 11th - Charity One Ball Qualifier
Monday 15th - Enfield East vs Enfield West, GC Handicap (HOME)
Friday 19th - Enfield vs Leighton Linslade friendly (HOME)
Monday 22nd - Enfield vs Northampton, AC (HOME)
Tuesday 30th - Newport vs Enfield, GC Open (AWAY)
Thursday 2nd - GC Doubles Tournament
Monday, 13th - Enfield West vs Newport Oaks, GC Handicap (HOME)
Friday, 17th - Enfield West vs Meldreth, GC Handicap (HOME)
Thursday, 23rd - St Albans vs Enfield, AC (AWAY)
Friday, 24th - Enfield East vs Barnet Roundheads, GC Handicap (HOME)
Wednesday, 29th - Watford vs Enfield, GC Friendly (AWAY)
Thursday, 30th - Northampton vs Enfield, GC Open (AWAY)
Monday, 3rd - Enfield vs Ipswich, GC B Level (HOME)
Thursday, 6th - Two-Shot GC Tournament
Tuesday, 11th - Newport Oaks vs Enfield East, GC Handicap (AWAY)
Friday, 14th - Enfield East vs Letchworth, GC Handicap (HOME)
Monday, 17th - Enfield vs Letchworth, GC Open (HOME)
Friday, 21st - Meldreth vs Enfield East, GC Handicap (AWAY) - Postponed
Monday, 24th - Enfield vs Bury St Edmunds, GC B Level (HOME)
Thursday, 27th - Evening - Potters Bar 41 Club (on lawns)
Friday, 28th - Enfield West vs Barnet Cavaliers, GC Handicap (HOME)
Monday, 1st - Enfield v Watford AC (HOME)
Thursday, 4th - Monthly Tournament - One Ball
Tuesday, 9th - Newport vs Enfield, GC B Level (AWAY)
Thursday, 11th - Meldreth vs Enfield East, GC Handicap (AWAY)
Thursday, 11th - Barnet Roundheads vs Enfield West, GC Handicap (AWAY)
Monday, 15th - Hosting - Federation Shield - Leicester and West Worthing
Thursday, 18th - Enfield vs Wrest Park, GC Open (HOME)
Monday, 22nd - Enfield vs Wrest Park, AC (HOME)
Tuesday, 23rd - Colchester vs Enfield, GC B Level (AWAY)
Monday, 29th - Enfield East vs Newport Elms, GC Handicap (HOME)
Thursday, 1st - Monthly Tournament - The Sheila Rudling Cup
Friday, 9th - Enfield vs Chelmsford, GC B Level (HOME)
Tuesday, 13th - Letchworth vs Enfield West, GC Handicap (AWAY)
Saturday, 17th - Saturday Extra Tournament - Rotating Level Doubles
Thursday, 22nd - Barnet Cavaliers vs Enfield East, GC Handicap (AWAY)
Saturday, 24th - morning - Friendly with Croquet East (Victoria Park) (HOME)
Tuesday, 27th - Newport Elms vs Enfield West, GC Handicap (AWAY)
Wednesday, 4th - Letchworth vs Enfield, AC (AWAY)
Thursday, 5th - Monthly Tournament - The Chairman's Cup
Friday, 6th - Enfield vs Watford, GC Open (HOME)
Monday, 9th - North London Derby - provisional date
Wednesday, 18th - Compton vs Enfield, GC Friendly (AWAY)
Thursday 3rd - Monthly Tournament - Close of Competitive Season 10:10
AGM - Saturday, 16th November - 9.45am for 10 am - Cricket Club
Christmas Gathering - Thursday 5th - 7.30pm - Ada Restaurant